Welcome. We’re so glad that you are here because we understand that having a premature or sick baby is an extremely stressful time and that often it’s during these times that asking for help can be most difficult. Luna Baby is here to support and nurture YOU so that you can show up and nurture those you love. You are so important to your baby’s wellbeing but we understand it might not feel like it right now. That’s ok. Below you will find all of the ways that we can work together throughout your baby’s stay in the neonatal nursery and beyond. We look forward to connecting with you.
celebrating your baby
The Luna Baby Milestone Cards are a unique set of educational cards for families who have a premature baby in the neonatal nursery. The set of 30 cards enables families to celebrate their baby’s week by week development as well as other special moments for families and their baby including their first skin-to-skin kangaroo care cuddle and bath. There are also cards providing information on important activities premature babies are learning such as feeding and communicating with their outside world. On the back of each milestone card, families will learn about their baby’s developing systems and how they can provide care that supports their baby’s growth and development.
Support consultation
Book a 60 minute video conference call with Luna Baby to ask questions about your baby’s development, learn what you can do to best support your baby’s developing brain, and receive support in the amazing work you’re doing each day as you parent in the neonatal nursery.